Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Look Who's 3

Wow! Our first born son, Carson is 3 years old! I can't believe how fast the time goes. We celebrated Carson's birthday on Saturday the 22nd and all his family and friends made it. We had a "frog" themed party with bug catchers, a frog cake and a HUGE bouncy house. The kids loved it (so did I..it was fun)!
Carson got tons of great presents including; Toy Story toys, sprinklers, golf clubs, a tent, games, a scooter, clothes, coloring books, sidewalk chalk and of course his new quad from his Uncle Anthony.
I can't believe my baby is 3 years old. He is so smart, so loving and sweet, so talented and we are so blessed to have him as our son.
Happy birthday Carson Joseph! Mommy loves you so so so so much! xoxo

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

What a fun Easter weekend we had! We started it off with an Easter Egg hunt over at Lakeland Hills Park with Papa, Mimi, Carter, Carson, Landon and myself. There were about a million kids there so it's was kind of a bust, but the boys still really enjoyed themselves. Carson only got 3 eggs, but his little friend Addison was nice enough to share one of her eggs with him! After th Easter Egg hunt, Mimi and Papa took the boys to get ice cream and then we went back to their house for another Easter Egg hunt. The boys scored major on the candy front. Easter day, Grammy, Pop and Papa and Mimi came over to spend Easter morning with us. We had a nice brunch and some good quality family time. Here are some pictures to share.

Happy Easter everyone!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

From Halloween to Spring!

I have been completely absent from this blog for MONTHS now. A lot has happened in a short amount of time so let me get started.

I became an Auntie again on November 12, 2009. Miss Isla Elizabeth Myers weighed in at 8lbs 13oz and 21.5 inches long with a head full of hear and two big beautiful dimples. She is the first girl in our family and she is absolutely ADORABLE!
On December 22nd, Josh took Carson on a last "horrah" of alone time before Landon was due to join the family. Daddy took Carson down to the property for some much needed riding on the quads. They had a great time and even got to play with some deers!

THEN, Carson came home that night with a HORRIBLE cough. It was like something I had never heard before. His fever spiked and as soon as he woke up in the morning I took him to Urgent Care. AND dun dun dun....they told me Carson had the SWINE FLU! Are you kidding me? I'm like 12 years pregnant and Christmas is in 2 days and we are supposed to be going to every single family members house AND I wanted to be there for Isla's first Christmas. Well, God had other plans for us. We were stuck home for days and days BUT had some much needed quality family time together. My wonderful family cooked us food and brought it to us so we had a great Christmas Eve dinner, Christmas morning breakfast and dinner too since we couldn't go to the store in case we were contagious. Needless to say, it was probably the best, most memerable Christmas to date.

Jump to December 28th, one day passed my due date. We go to the doctor, she checks me and strips my membranes saying that it probably won't do anything because my cervix still was high and "not ready". We left the doctors office with a induction date of December 31st. ERRRK...I needed him out NOW and I wanted that tax deduction! I cried out of frustration and went home and slept. I woke up with some Braxton Hicks contractions through out the day and by about 8pm they were close enough to where I actually packed a bag in case we went to the hospital. I also called my dad and said I might be bringing over Carson. By 8:30 pm, I went to bed to get some rest. At 11:45 pm I woke up with contractions (which I thought was indigestion) the indigestion got closer and closer together and I FINALLY woke up Josh at 2:30 am and said...I think I'm actually in labor. Low and behold IT WAS TIME!!!! We rushed to get Carson to my Dad and Vicki's and rushed to the hospital. We got admitted at 4 am and I was already 5cm and 100% effaced. I finally got an epidural at about 6:30 am and my precious, sweet little Landon was born at 7:50 am on December 29, 2009 weighing in at 9bs 10oz and 21 inches long. He came out with a head full of hair and chubby little thighs and two enormous dimples. Here are some pictures of his arrival:

Landon is now almost 3 months old and is an absolute JOY to have in our family. He has completed us in so many ways. We are now a family of four and it feels sooooo good!